Monday, May 11, 2009

Rain, rain

Esther is down with Laura; Della and I are at Panera's. We were desperate enough that we sacrificed a morning at home so we could come here and use the internet w/o worrying about exceeding the mysterious limit that plunges our speed into the Paleolithic zone.
It's raining, again; and I would have worked outside longer yesterday had I known. Today I was going to buy plants for my flower planters but who wants to tour outdoor garden centers in the rain? The older I get the more cat (and goat) like I become about rain.
Yesterday I did plant my cucumbers and dill. Instead of the wonderful neat "square foot gardening" raised beds, I had 3 pallets wired together (former compost heap). I put a board across the front, filled it with old manure, and so avoided building at least one trellis! The garden is soaked from 2 weeks of rain. Frogs are living in the low spots. It's going to be a while before I can till up any of it. So for now, my raised beds (which I'm trying to add to each year; at the moment I have 3) are the only part I can work on. One raised bed has potatos already planted in it, so I have two to work with the next time weather permits.