Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pinterist and January 2012

I think Pinterest is a good idea. I don't have that much time for exploring around on blogs, but it's nice to be able to save some of the good ideas I see.
This January has been consumed by the big Redo the Kitchen project. Even though we hired people to do the work, it's been complicated and required lots of my time as far as running around and buying pieces. I now understand more of the difference between hiring handymen and hiring a contractor. I wonder if I'll ever get some of the details straightened out. Meanwhile, we've had lots of family visit and the contents of the kitchen are still scattered around the house. Partly because I haven't figured out how to reorganize with the new cabinets. It's like a mini-move (i.e., painful).
I did keep hatching chicks but I may have tried too early, since neither of the first two hatches were outstanding. Still, I am getting enough of the blue eggers (for myself) and favarolles (for Esther to show at the fair). Later I'll probably order a few more kinds.

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