Tuesday, October 21, 2008

30 Years and Counting

Hello, all, thank you for the calls! Dad went off "to do errands" and 3 hours later came back with flowers, a card, AND a decorative item from Hallmark. Which made me laugh a couple years ago I was talking with the manager of Midas and he said, "I love that Hallmark shop. You can always find something for your wife, have it wrapped, and make it home in time for dinner."
We spent the day doing things around here...couldn't take the day off from school since Esther needed to finish her essay about Siamese Cats. So we just went ahead and did the rest of school. For me, that means reading the devotional with the girls and doing history. They do the rest themselves. For history we just started a DVD course "The Later Middle Ages" taught by a W&M professor; I also bought a couple other DVD courses to supplement-one on the Popes and the Papacy, and one on Great Authors of the Western World. We're just going to watch some of those for history, and Della will watch some for background as she does some of her reading list.
I am really enjoying using these courses now that all the students are old enough (though Esther still thinks they are kind of boring).
We had our first frost Oct 19-I brought in the last peppers, tomatos, and basil. There are still some young greens in the raised beds, but don't know if they will produce anything. We haven't had more than 1 rain for a month.
Laura, where are the pictures?
Rebecca, I am reading the Elemental Masters books of M. Lackey and two in particular are good: The Serpent's Shadow, and Phoenix and Ashes, should be read in that order. Of course you do have to wade through the soapbox lectures on women's equality/socialism, but they are fun books!


The Phillips Place said...

Glad you found the pictures :).

Frost? What is this thing you speak of? Please elaborate...

Hannah VanderHart said...

Hi Mom! :)

Happy Anniversary! I don't think I ever got to talk to you and Dad on the day of...when I called, I think I got Esther. ;) Della said the flowers were beautiful and "very mom," so that's good. I guess 30 years just about does the trick for getting to know each other? Last night Luke told me he just doesn't understand the way I think, but since we're only going on 5 months, that level of mystery seems just fine. ;)

I like your blog! I had not realized you had updated it.

I updated mine, you should have a look. :)

much love and hope your computer is running,