Tuesday, November 2, 2010

October 2010

This is a bit of what went on in October...
The first frost was rather late. This gave the tomatos that had survived the drought a chance to produce a couple dozen more fruits (after a 6 week hiatus). So we had a few more nice salads and a bowl of fresh salsa. The green peppers weren't as plentiful as usual, but we still froze half a winter's worth of chopped peppers. I made the pesto earlier this summer, so I didn't try to save the rest of the basil. Now I'll have to wrap up the garden-that's a nice thing to do when I have time in the afternoons. I like to get out of the house some each day, even when it's cold.
The poultry are now divided into two flocks. The specialty flock is Salmon Favarolles and Welsummers. I hope to be raising purebred Favs next spring. (The Welsummers were freebies and I'm not quite sure what I'll do with them.)  The Laying flock has 2 roosters and a nice variety of hens. 14 of them are old hens and will go later this winter; there are about 10 new hens. I had thought to have more, but a sneaky fox took 6 hens. This means I'll either have to raise some more this winter or cut back on selling eggs.
I have a dozen young roosters in the freezer now. We've also ordered a side of beef-something we only do every 3 or 4 years. We may split some of that with children. We don't have any pigs this year, and I'm dreading the moment we run out of our ground pork. Della and I like that better than the grass-fed beef, and we enjoy raising the pigs too, but we simply don't have enough fencing this year. Maybe next year.
My weekly schedule is out Monday-Wednesday-Friday: Della twice a week to class, Esther to her all-day Friday classes, both girls to social time and youth group on Wednesday night. Then I hope to have Tuesday and Thursday at home, but even one day at home gives me time to bake bread and cook some foods up for meals. I think I've finally adapted to cooking for (just) four people!
I fixed some necklaces I had made and now am finally satisfied. I worked a long time on the right blues and casual feel of what I think of as my "blue jeans jewelry". Vintage bronze is my metal of choice at the moment.
It's autumnal. I am amassing quite a collection of bronzy bits to play with. Some of the "steampunk" pieces that are trendy right now may find their way into future pieces. I also redid (for the sixth time?) my Roman glass necklace. Think I finally have all the awkward beads hung right.
So October is now done, and I'm going to try to be prepared for the holidays, i.e., give myself plenty of time for Christmas carols, baking fruitcake, and making some gifts (jewelry, of course). I have some ideas for the daughters...

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