Friday, September 14, 2012

Fall IS Here!

When Esther dons a hoodie to go out in the morning to milk goats, fall is here. The mornings have been cool and misty, and the days beautiful. The air conditioning is OFF, and now I am eyeing the woodpile. I know we'll need more wood, but first I want all those too-long pieces from last year cut and stacked.
Meanwhile, the turkeys are acclimating to the big fenced backyard, but mostly they want to sit on the back deck. I have to keep shooing them off the roof (if they go to roost THERE, the owls will find them at night).  Sometimes they fly over a fence and have to be individually picked up and tossed back into the yard.  If I catch them balanced on a fence prepatory to flying over, I can run out and call them ("Wheep! Wheep!") and they will teeter back and forth a bit, then jump down and amble over to me.  I think turkeys are just hilarious! 
A porch full of turkeys

The turkeys were quite entertained by the small tree. I think it's time to clean out the gutters...

Esther's face when I mentioned the turkeys on the roof above her...

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