Thursday, September 20, 2012

One More Garden Picture

Almost the end of the season. That was the last picking of green beans (I was only able to grow a small patch protected from the deer). The bell peppers are going red, and the hot peppers are slowing down. The faithful okra is still producing and I pick every 2-3 days. On the right you will see my container watermelons. They are small but still taste fine. I was actually quite surprised they ripened! The flowers are "burr marigolds"; I keep trying to encourage them to grow around the property. These were picked along the roadside. All the children are used to me stopping the truck and leaping out to pick wildflowers!

1 comment:

Cindy Lou Willson said...

I love these pictures you have up, Lee. The veggies look wonderful! I am jealous I only had a "porch" garden. I need to get myself in gear next year! LOVE the turkeys!