Sunday, February 3, 2013

Ming the Kitten

 After 5 years of searching for another part-Siamese kitten to be a pal for Mochi, I happened across this one. I was actually helping a friend find a kitten for her daughter, but they had a half-price special. He is a little goofy, and definitely a guy. Notice the lying on the wood bag picture. He is usually covered with sawdust.
 By now, all the other animals have adjusted and he's one of the crowd in front of the woodstove!

Ming makes 3 full time indoor cats. The other five are divided between barn and garage, though at the moment Smoky is recovering from an ear operation and so is back inside. I am going to have trouble moving him back out, I know.


Anonymous said...

He looks like a character! I wonder if his coloring will change as he grows? Didn't Mochi a bit?

Good luck kicking out Smoky ;). That's going to be a fight haha!

Hannah VanderHart said...

aww :) I love his little face. I'm so glad you put pictures up, Mom! :)